The miSip Resident unit is designed to seamlessly integrate with all IP PBX systems currently available in the market. The device provides instant two-way speech between resident and nurse/aid. Some of the key benefits of the miSip are: endless flexibility in initial and redirection of a nurse call. Built in escalation to any telephone(s) both inside and outside the facility. Multiple call points incorporating traditional nurse call with new technology. Water resistant traditional hardwired pull cords, traditional push button call cords, and multiple color LED RGB dome lights. Each device can be programmed individually as a separate unit to allow for the special care needs of a particular resident.
Each device can be programmed for system announcements for example, a kitchen menu or activities for the week. When the button is pressed your residents will hear through the nurse call speaker a pre-recorded message.
Furthermore, wireless pull cords can be moved around the room/suite to accommodate the residents placement of furniture with optional cancel at source of emergency call functions. The unit can support up to 16 wireless devices; Pendants, Pull-Cords, Smoke Detectors, Motion Detectors, Water Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Door & Security Contacts.